All Courses, Packages
Catechist Package
BundleA great foundation for all who pass on the Faith!
All Courses, Packages
Catholic School Teacher Package
BundleHelping Teachers Develop and Pass on a Catholic Worldview
All Courses, Creed/Foundational Beliefs
Essential Doctrine in the US Catholic Catechism for Adults
CourseThis course walks the participant through each of the 36 chapters of the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, helping them learn the essentials of the faith.
All Courses, Packages
The "Every Catholic Needs to Know This" Package
BundleWhat every Adult Catholic needs to know about Jesus and the Catholic Church
All Courses, Vatican II
Vatican II - A Primer for All Adult Catholics
BundleAn overview of the purpose and documents of the Second Vatican Council, as taught by an outstanding team of priests, religious, and lay people.
All Courses, Sacred Scripture
A Beginner’s Guide to the Gospel of John
CourseThis four-part course will provide an introduction to John’s Gospel, highlighting major themes, breaking open key passages and applying them to our lives.
All Courses
A Beginners Guide to (Guilt Free) Mortifications
CourseIn this lecture, Rob Drapeau offers an introduction to the importance of mortifications in the spiritual life of the Christian.
All Courses, Marriage and Family
A Catholic Perspective on Gender Ideology
CourseThis seminar will provide an overview of the history of gender ideology and its strategy to redefine the human person and sexuality.
All Courses, Sacred Scripture
A Catholic Understanding of the Bible
CourseThis course walks the participant through the significant characteristics of the Bible, including its authorship, its relationship to Church teaching, and its connection to the liturgy.
All Courses, Spirituality and Prayer, Lent
A Survey of Spiritual Theology
CourseThis course will look closely at the traditional Catholic answer of the Three Ways: Purgative, Illuminative, and Unitive. The main text will be The Ordinary Path to Holiness by Thomas Richard.
All Courses
A Theological Understanding of Beauty
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Bolding offers an overview of the importance of beauty in the Catholic Tradition.
All Courses, Church History
A Virtual Pilgrimage
CourseThrough photography, this course will look at some of the most important places in the Catholic Faith, including pictures from Rome, Lourdes, Fatima, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Ephesus, Medjugorje, Egypt and the Holy Land.
All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues
Apostolic Mission in a Post-Pandemic Culture
CourseIn this lecture from August 13, 2022, Ryan analyzes key trends that impact the Church's post-pandemic mission.
All Courses, Literature/Great Books
Basic Christian Doctrine as Found in C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity
CourseThis class will examine the basics doctrines of Christianity as presented by Lewis and will assist the student to see these harmonize with and diverge from Catholic tradition.
All Courses, Apologetics/Defending the Faith
Basic Training in Apologetics
CourseThis class will equip you to win any argument without cheating, defend your faith without being defensive, use your Bible and faith together effectively and give persuasive reasons for your beliefs.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
Blessed Bartolo Longo
CourseIn this lecture, Jen examines the life of Blessed Bartolo Longo.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
Blessed Carlo Acutis
CourseIn this lecture, Ryan Ayala examines the life of Bl. Carlo Acutis.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
Blessed Franz Jägerstätter
CourseIn this lecture, Dr. Larry Fraher examines the life of Bl. Franz Jägerstätter.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko
CourseIn this lecture, Rae-Mi discusses the life of Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
CourseIn this lecture, Steve examines the life of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati.
All Courses, Literature/Great Books
Brave New World - A Guided Reading
CourseThis class will explore Aldous Huxley's ideas as expressed in his dystopian novel Brave New World.
All Courses, Ecclesiology and The Church, Priesthood
Biblical Foundations of the Catholic Priesthood
CourseIn these sessions, Dr. Hanning will examine the biblical roots of the Catholic priesthood.
All Courses, Ecclesiology and The Church, Priesthood
Bishop Sheen's The Priest is Not His Own
CourseIn this seminar, Simone leads a discussion on Bishop Sheen's The Priest is Not His Own.
All Courses, Church Documents
Canon Law and the Salvation of Souls
CourseIn this lecture, Nicole examines the purpose of Canon Law within the Church's mission.
All Courses, Catholic Education
Catholic Education 101
CourseThis course will examine the nature and ends of authentic Catholic education and a discussion of means to attain those ends. It will include an examination of the writings of the popes and official Church documents.
All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues
Catholic Political Life
CourseBeginning with the Second Vatican Council’s Declaration on Religious Liberty, through the most recent statements by the US Bishops, this course will look examine Catholics' role in the political life.
All Courses, Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social Teaching and Laudato Si’
CourseThis course will serve as an overview of Catholic social teaching, examining its roots in the Old and New Testaments, its historical development from Pope Leo XIII to Pope Francis and its key principles.
All Courses, Liturgy and Sacraments
Christ in the Eucharist - Our Light in Times of Darkness
CourseFrom the St. Thomas the Apostle Advent Mission of 2022, Bishop James S. Wall of the Diocese of Gallup offers a reflection on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
All Courses, Sacred Scripture
Christmas through the Eyes of the Evangelist St. Luke
CourseFrom the St. Thomas the Apostle Advent Mission of 2024, Kevin Saunders offers a reflection on St. Luke's account of the nativity of our Lord Jesus.
All Courses, Creed/Foundational Beliefs
CourseThis course will examine Cardinal Schönborn's recent work on Christology and will lead us more deeply into the truth about Jesus.
All Courses, Church History
Church History 0-1000AD
CourseThis course will cover roughly the first millennium of Christian history.
All Courses, Church History
Church History 1000-2014AD
CourseThis course will cover roughly the second millennium of Christian history.
All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues
Consecrated Life in the 21st Century - Bringing Renewal to Church
CourseThis course will cover the nature of consecrated life in the mystery of the Church, with a focus on the Vatican II documents and Pope St. John Paul II.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
Consecration to St. Joseph
CourseIn this seminar, Bishop Nevares will lead a discussion on the book, Consecration to St. Joseph by Dr. Donald Calloway.
All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues
Current Plight of Christians in the Middle East
CourseIn this lecture, Simone will provide an overview of key political and religious issues currently facing Christians in the Middle East.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
Dorothy Day
CourseIn this course, Dr. Lueken will examine the life of Dorothy Day.
All Courses, Ecclesiology and The Church, Vatican II
Ecclesiological Foundations of Vatican II
CourseThis course will give an overview of the theology of the Church as presented in the documents Second Vatican Council, in particular Lumen Gentium and Gaudium et Spes.
All Courses, Ecclesiology and The Church
Ecclesiology - The Church as Communion
CourseThis course will consist of a survey of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger's book, "Called to Communion: Understanding the Church Today."
All Courses, Lent
Entering into Lent - Joining Jesus in the Desert
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Matt offers a lenten reflection on joining Jesus in the desert.
All Courses
Equipped to Serve - Finding Strength and Joy through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
CourseFrom the St. Thomas the Apostle Advent Mission of 2023, Fr. John Klockeman offers an introduction to the charisms, the spiritual gifts God has given each one of us.
All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues
Faith - Human and Psychological Perspectives
CourseIn these sessions, Kenn discusses the human and psychological aspects of faith.
All Courses, Spirituality and Prayer
Finding God's Will
CourseIn this lecture, Ryan provides an overview of St. Francis de Sales' Finding God's Will For You.
All Courses, Catechetics
Foundations of a Catholic Worldview
CourseThis talk will examines the importance of being Christ-centered and how that impacts the mission of the Church, not only in catechetics, but also in education and philosophy as well.
All Courses, Christian Morality
Foundations of Moral Theology
CourseThis course provides an introduction to Catholic moral theology.
All Courses, Church Documents
From Constitutions to Press Conferences: A Look at the Authority of Church Teachings
CourseIn this lecture, Nicole Delaney will examine the authority of Church teachings.
All Courses, Sacred Scripture
From Joshua to Jesus
CourseThis course traces the conquest of the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua (Yeshua in Hebrew), the rise and fall of the kingdom of David, and the long wait for the appearance of the Messiah, the New Yeshua.
All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues
From Maintenance to Maturity
CourseIn this lecture, Simone focuses on Equipping the Next Generation: From Maintenance to Maturity.
All Courses, Literature/Great Books, Lent
Fulton Sheen - The Cross and the Beatitudes
CourseFocusing on the work of Fulton Sheen, this session will explore the interesting correspondence between each Beatitude and each word of Jesus on the Cross.
All Courses, Literature/Great Books
G.K. Chesterton's The Everlasting Man
CourseThis course examines G.K. Chesterton's The Everlasting Man.
All Courses, Marriage and Family
Gender Ideology and the Church’s Response
CourseThis talk will examine gender from a Catholic perspective. It will outline what Catholics need to know about gender ideology and how it threatens the foundations of the family and society.
All Courses, Liturgy and Sacraments
General Instruction of the Roman Missal
CourseIn these sessions, Fr. Camou leads a discussion on The General Instruction of the Roman Missal.
All Courses, Catechetics
Getting Started as a Catechist
CourseThis session will give you what you need today so you can start being a catechist tomorrow, with a hands-on look at what catechesis is and session planning 101.
All Courses, Creed/Foundational Beliefs, Sacred Scripture
God's Plan of Salvation
CourseThis session will examine the different stages of salvation history, focusing in on the problem of Original Sin, the Paschal Mystery of Jesus and how, through the ministry of the Church, Jesus offers salvation to us.
All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues
Going Forward: The Impact of the Covid Pandemic on the Church
CourseIn a talk given August 14, 2021, Ryan discusses the impact of the Covid Pandemic on the Church.
All Courses, Literature/Great Books
Great Books for Beginners
CourseThis session examines the importance of studying great books for both education and living the Catholic life.
All Courses, Christian Morality
Happiness - The Goal of Catholic Living
CourseThis course seeks to present an authentically Catholic perspective to happiness as the goal of Catholic life.
All Courses, Spirituality and Prayer
Happy Are You Poor
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Dan Connealy discusses Fr. Thomas Dubay's Happy Are You Poor: The Simple Life and Spiritual Freedom.
All Courses, Liturgy and Sacraments
Historical Foundations of Liturgy
CourseIn these sessions, Fr. Kenney will examine the historical foundations of liturgy.
All Courses, Marriage and Family
How to Talk about Marriage and Same Sex Unions
CourseThis session will provide the participant the tools needed to make a powerful, non-religious case against redefining marriage to include same-sex couples.
All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
Human Suffering - Insights from the thought and life of Pope St. John Paul II
CourseIn these sessions, Dr. Larry Fraher examines the life and writings of Pope St. John Paul II, especially his work Salvifici Dolores, On the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering.
All Courses, Philosophy
Introduction to Aristotle
CourseThis course is for students who are new to Aristotle, as well as for those who may have studied him before.
All Courses, Catechetics
Introduction to Catechetics
CourseThis course examines the key elements that make up catechesis, including doctrinal content, divine pedagogy, catechetical methodology and the role of the catechist.
All Courses, Philosophy
Introduction to Plato
CourseThis course is for students who are new to Plato, as well as for those who may have studied him before.
All Courses, Literature/Great Books
Introduction to the Summa Theologica
CourseThis course introduces the participant to the St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica. Despite the fact that the Summa is a daunting work, it is possible, even in a brief course, to give an outline of it and to examine some of its fundamental parts.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
John Paul II and the New Evangelization
CourseThe Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II Series, Scott examines the Pope St. John Paul II and his contribution of the New Evangelization.
All Courses, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
John Paul II and the Feminine Genius
CourseAs part of our Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II, Simone Rizkallah examines the feminine genius in his writings.
All Courses, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
John Paul II, Beauty and the Arts
CourseAs part of our Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II, Will Wright examines Pope St. John Paul II's contributions to beauty and the arts.
All Courses, Catholic Social Teaching, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
John Paul II's Contributions to Catholic Social Teaching
CourseAs part of our Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II, Mike examines key contributions from Pope St. John Paul II in the area of Catholic Social Teaching.
All Courses, Creed/Foundational Beliefs, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
John Paul II on the Dignity and Genius of Women
CourseThis course will examine how highly the Church views women, how indispensable is her role, and how the Church's teachings promote and defend her true dignity.
All Courses, Marriage and Family, John Paul 2 Resource Center Channel
JP2RC - Theology of the Body for Everyone
CourseIn this course, participants will discover how theology of the body can lead you to a deeper encounter with Christ and the Trinitarian God.
All Courses, Marriage and Family, John Paul 2 Resource Center Channel
JP2RC - Catholic Teaching on Marriage and Love in the 20th Century
CourseThis course will follow the development of the Catholic Church's theology on marriage in the 20th century, and it's connection to the understanding of the human person.
All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues
Keeping Our Kids Catholic
CourseThis session will help parents understand and develop a game plan for helping their children stay active in the faith from young children, through college, and even as adults.
All Courses, Literature/Great Books
Leisure - The Basis of Culture
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. John Parks discusses Joseph Pieper's work "Leisure - The Basis of Culture."
All Courses, Spirituality and Prayer, Lent
Lent - A Time to Remember and Forgive
CourseThis session examines what it means to remember and forgive.
All Courses, Liturgy and Sacraments
Liturgy of the Hours for Beginners
CourseIn this lecture, James gives an introduction to the Church's Liturgy of the Hours.
All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues, St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Channel
Living the Gospel as a Way of Life
CourseIn this presentation, Bill Marcotte discusses the book, "Living the Gospel as a Way of Life" by James Jones.
All Courses, Spirituality and Prayer, Lent
Mary, Our Guide for Lent
CourseThis session will examine Mary's walk with Jesus Christ to the Cross, the sacrifice she shares with Jesus Christ in the passion, and overall role Mary plays in the Season of Lent.
All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues, Lent
Medical Perspective of the Cross
CourseThis lecture will examine the suffering which Jesus endured for our salvation from the perspective of a physician. It is based on Scripture as well as the most current archaeological and forensic research.
All Courses, Marriage and Family
Men, Women and the Mystery of Love
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Parks gives an overview of Dr. Edward Sri's book "Men, Women and the Mystery of Love."
All Courses, Lives of the Saints, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
Missionary Spirituality According to Pope St. John Paul II
CourseIn this lecture, Bill shares the main characteristics and importance of missionary spirituality, according to Pope St. John Paul II.
All Courses, Liturgy and Sacraments
On the Liturgical Formation of the People of God
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Jovi Aneka examines Pope Francis' document On the Liturgical Formation of the People of God, Desiderio Desideravi.
All Courses, Philosophy, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
On the Relationship Between Faith and Reason
CourseAs part of our Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II, Dr. Ryan Hanning examines Pope St. John Paul II's contribution to the relationship between faith and reason, highlighting the Pope's document Fides et Ratio.
All Courses, Virtue, St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Channel
On the Virtue of Magnanimity
CourseIn this lecture, Dr. Hanning discusses the virtue of magnaminity.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
Our Lady of Guadalupe
CourseIn this lecture, Dcn. Chavira will examine the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues
Political Issues Facing Catholics
CourseIn this lecture, Aaron will examine issues facing Catholics in the upcoming 2016 elections.
All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues
Pope Francis - Apostle of Joy
CourseThis session will discuss how Pope Francis has engaged the world by witnessing Christ's mercy.
All Courses, Church Documents
Pope Francis' Gaudete et Exsultate
CourseIn this lecture, Eric examines Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate.
All Courses, Catholic Social Teaching, Lives of the Saints, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
Pope St. John Paul II: Human Dignity and Social Justice
CourseIn this lecture, Simone examines John Paul II's unique contributions to the Church's understanding of human dignity and social justice.
All Courses, Catholic Education
Prayer and the Catholic School Teacher
CourseIn this session, Tom outlines the importance of prayer in the work of the Catholic School Teacher.
All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues
Preparing the Catholic Church for the Future
CourseIn these sessions, Bill Marcotte, Dr. Ramon Luzarraga and Christina Strafaci will discuss three issues - evangelization, credibility, and the family - and the role they will play in the future growth of the Catholic Church and in light of Covid-19.
All Courses, Spirituality and Prayer, Lent
Purification and Perfection - The Discipline and Blessing of Lent
CourseThis session examines how purification and perfection have been called the burden and the blessing of Lent, in which purification is the hard work, growth in holiness and perfection is the payoff.
All Courses, Christian Initiation
RCIA/OCIA/Christian Initiation Online Supplement - For Participants, Coordinators and Catechists
CourseGoing through RCIA/OCIA/Christian initiation as a participant? Are a coordinator of or catechist in a Christian initiation process? This supplement provides valuable curriculum help based on the catechumenal stages.
All Courses, Sacred Scripture
Reading Scripture with the Church - A Case Study
CourseThis course will use Pope Benedict "XVI's Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week" to learn how our familiarity with the Old Testament deepens our understanding of Christ's Passion in the Gospels.
All Courses, Sacred Scripture
Riches of the Faith
CourseFrom December 11, 2021, Scott Hahn explored the riches of the faith in light of Luke 24 (the road to Emmaus) and the most holy Eucharist.
All Courses, St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Channel
STA Wine and Wisdom
CourseThese sessions are from St. Thomas the Apostle's ongoing Wine and Wisdom series.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
Servant of God Catherine de Hueck Doherty
CourseIn this lecture, Kelley examines the life of Servant of God Catherine de Hueck Doherty.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
Servant of God Chiara Corbella Petrillo
CourseIn this lecture, Claire examines the life of Servant of God Chiara Corbella Petrillo.
All Courses, Spirituality and Prayer
Silence and Preparation to See the Face of God
CourseThese sessions discuss the need to prepare for Jesus through prayer, penance and growth in intimacy with God and others.
All Courses, Sacred Scripture
Southwest Biblical Conference I - 2016
CourseA morning of life-transforming talks focusing on the role of Scripture in our lives.
All Courses, Sacred Scripture
Southwest Biblical Conference II - 2017
CourseThe theme for this conference was the Incarnation of Christ - God's radical presence in our lives.
All Courses, Sacred Scripture
Southwest Biblical Conference III - 2018
CourseThe theme from this conference was Scripture and Our Transformation in the Christian Life.
All Courses, Sacred Scripture
Southwest Biblical Conference IV - 2019
CourseThe theme from this conference was Unlocking the Treasure: Discipleship on the Road to Emmaus.
All Courses, Sacred Scripture, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
Southwest Biblical Conference V - 2020
CourseIn these talks, Dr. Bob Rice examines the expression so often used by Pope St. John Paul II: Be Not Afraid - Its Biblical Foundation and Importance for Today.
All Courses, Sacred Scripture
Southwest Biblical Conference VI - 2021
CourseIn these talks, Sr. Johanna and Dr. Ryan discussed the conference theme: The Word of God – Our Source for Belief, Hope and Love.
All Courses, Spirituality and Prayer, Lent
Spiritual Life Conference I - 2018
CourseThe 2018 ICT Spiritual Life Conference featured talks by Fr. Nathan Malavolti, TOR, and Fr. John Parks.
All Courses, Spirituality and Prayer, Lent, Priesthood
Spiritual Life Conference II - 2019
CourseThis conference examined holiness and the common priesthood of the faithful.
All Courses, Spirituality and Prayer, Lent
Spiritual Life Conference III - 2020
CourseThis conference examined interior transformation as the key to church growth.
All Courses, Spirituality and Prayer, Lent, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
Spiritual Life Conference IV - 2021
CourseAs part of our Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II, the Spiritual Live Conference IV - 2021 examined Pope St. John Paul II and his devotion to Mary. Presenters for this are Bishop James S. Wall, Sr. Johanna Paruch, FSGM, Phd, and Professor Scott Sollom.
All Courses, Lent
Spiritual Life Conference V - 2022
CourseThis conference examines the liturgy as the course of Christian life and mission.
All Courses, Spirituality and Prayer
Spiritual Wisdom from St. Paul
CourseIn this lecture, Rae-Mi offers a reflection on key spiritual insights from St. Paul.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Ambrose
CourseIn this lecture, Simone examines the life of St. Ambrose.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. André Bessette
CourseIn this course, Ryan describes the life of St. André Bessette of Montréal, Québec, Canada.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Augustine
CourseIn this lecture, Kenn examines the life of St. Augustine, with a particular focus on the need to know oneself.
All Courses, Literature/Great Books
St. Augustine - City of God
CourseThe course will read and discuss selections from Saint Augustine's great work and will gain a deeper understanding of scripture, theology, history, and spirituality.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Benedict
CourseIn this lecture, Kelley discusses the life and rule of St. Benedict.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Bernadette
CourseIn this lecture, April examines the life of St. Bernadette.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
CourseIn this lecture, Miss Rizkallah will examine the life of St. Bernard of Clairvaux.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Callistus
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Clements examines the life of St. Callistus.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Catherine Labouré
CourseIn this lecture, Rae-Mi LeRoy examines the life of St. Catherine Labouré.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Catherine of Siena
CourseIn this lecture, Claire examines the life of St. Catherine of Siena.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Charbel
CourseIn this lecture, Simone examines the life of St. Charbel.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Charles Borromeo
CourseIn this lecture, Dr. Ramon examines the life of St. Charles Borromeo.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Colette
CourseIn this lecture, Brittany examines the life of St. Colette of Corbie.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Damien of Molokai
CourseIn this lecture, Rae-Mi LeRoy will examine the life of St. Damien of Molokai.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Dominic
CourseIn this lecture, Sr. Mary David will examine the life of St. Dominic.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Edith Stein
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Grimditch will examine the life of St. Edith Stein
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Edith Stein - A Model for Theology Students
CourseIn this session, Simone examines St. Edith Stein and her contributions to theology.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Edmund Campion
CourseIn this lecture, Will Wright examines the life of St. Edmund Campion.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
CourseIn this session, Claire discusses the life of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Faustina
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Steve examines the life of St. Faustina.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Francis of Assisi
CourseIn this session, Rick discusses the life of St. Francis of Assisi.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Francis de Sales
CourseIn this lecture, Lita examines the life of St. Francis de Sales.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Gianna Molla
CourseIn this session, Claire discusses the life of St. Gianna Molla.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Ignatius of Loyola
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Conedera, S.J., examines the life of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Irenaeus
CourseIn this lecture, Dr. Larry examines the life and influence of St. Irenaeus.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Isidore the Farmer
CourseIn this lecture, Ryan examines the life of St. Isidore the Farmer.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Jerome
CourseIn this lecture, Simone examines the life of St. Jerome.
All Courses, Catechetics
St. John Bosco's Philosophy of Discipline
CourseWonder what others have done to maintain order in their sessions? Start here by reflecting on the discipline techniques used by St. John Bosco.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. John Damascene
CourseIn this lecture, Will examines the life of St. John Damascene.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. John Henry Newman
CourseIn this lecture, Aaron examines the life of St. John Henry Newman.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. John of God
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Clements examines the life of St. John of God.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. John of the Cross
CourseIn this lecture, Claire examines the life of St. John of the Cross.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St John Vianney - Implications for Priestly Life
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Lankeit discussions the implications of the witness of St. John Vianney for priestly life today.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Jose Luis Sanchez del Rio
CourseIn this lecture, Bishop Nevares examines the life of St. Jose Luis Sanchez del Rio.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Juan Diego
CourseIn this lecture, Bishop Nevares examines the life of St. Juan Diego.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Justin Martyr
CourseIn this lecture, Jim Spina will examine the life of St. Justin Martyr.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Katharine Drexel
CourseIn this lecture, Dr. Luzarraga examines the life of St. Katharine Drexel.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Jose Maria Escriva
CourseIn this session, Ryan will examine the life of St. Jose Maria Escriva.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Lawrence the Deacon
CourseIn this lecture, Will examines the life of St. Lawrence the Deacon.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Louis the King
CourseIn this lecture, Rae-Mi examines the life of St. Louis the King.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Mary of Egypt
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Clements will examine the life of St. Mary of Egypt.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St Maximilian Kolbe
CourseIn this lecture, Bill examines the life of St. Maximilian Kolbe.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Olga of Kiev
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Clements will examine the life of St. Olga of Kiev.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Oscar Romero
CourseIn this lecture, Dr. Mike examines the life of St. Oscar Romero.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Padre Pio
CourseIn this lecture, Jen discusses the life of St. Padre Pio.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Paul and the First Century Worldview
CourseIn this lecture, Dcn. Bob examines St. Paul the Apostle and elements of the first century worldview.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Robert Bellarmine
CourseIn this lecture, Dr. Ramon examines the life of St. Robert Bellarmine.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Teresa of Calcutta
CourseIn this lecture, Mary examines the life of St. Teresa of Calcutta.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Therese of Lisieux
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Muir will examine the life of St. Therese of Lisieux.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Thomas Aquinas
CourseIn this lecture, Rocky examines the life of St Thomas Aquinas.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Thomas Becket
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Clements will examine the life of St. Thomas Becket.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
St. Thomas the Apostle
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Joseph Rajan examines the life of St. Thomas the Apostle.
All Courses
Sts. Cyril and Methodius
CourseIn this lecture, Will Wright will examine the lives of Sts. Cyril and Methodius.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints
Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin
CourseIn this lecture, Christina examines the life of Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin.
All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues
Symposium on Faith, Young People and Vocations
CourseDr. Bob examines key trends impact the faith of youth in our culture today, and focus on ways to respond to the current crisis of faith within our society.
All Courses, Marriage and Family
The 2015 Synod on the Family – A Synopsis
CourseThis session provides a summary of the 2015 synod on the family, looking at the actual discussions at the synod and how the Church will move forward from it.
All Courses, Catechetics
The 2020 Directory For Catechesis - Implications for Church Growth
CourseIn this session, Eric unpacks the key themes from the 2020 Directory for Catechesis.
All Courses, Marriage and Family
The Annulment Process - Updates
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Fraser will examine updates to the Church’s annulment process.
All Courses, Spirituality and Prayer, Lent
The Art of Catholic Living - Increasing Trust, Unleashing Joy
CourseIn these talks, originally given as a Lenten Mission, Mark Hart of Life Teen International inspires us to a greater life of faith.
All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues
The Beauty and Splendor of Catholic Artwork - Episode I
CourseIn this lecture, Fr. Steve Kunkel and Bri Cooney discuss the beauty and splendor of Catholic artwork, with a particular focus on Caravaggio and Michaelangelo.
All Courses, Sacred Scripture
The Birth of Christ - A Scriptural Account
CourseIn this session, Kevin will break open the Gospel account of the birth of Christ, providing a historical, geographical and spiritual overview of the events surrounding the first Christmas.
All Courses, Spirituality and Prayer, Lent
The Call of Heroic Catholicism Personal Obstacles and Solutions
CourseIn this three part series, Fr. Klockeman examines the call of heroic Catholicism given by Jesus to each person.
All Courses
The Church of Today and Tomorrow
CourseIn this talk, Dr. Ryan examines the current demographics of faith in the US and the World, and provide a candid analysis of the challenges we face and the reasons to hope.
All Courses, Catholic Social Teaching, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
The Gospel of Life and Its Importance for Catholic Laity
CourseIn this course, Will Wright will examine key teachings in the Pope St. John Paul II's encyclical The Gospel of Life.
All Courses, Literature/Great Books
The Great Divorce and the Four Last Things
CourseThis course examines CS Lewis' The Great Divorce, a powerful, exquisitely written fantasy that is a profound meditation on good and evil and what God really offers us.
All Courses, Spirituality and Prayer, St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Channel
The Heart of Perfection
CourseIn this lecture, Steve and Becky Greene present on the book "The Heart of Perfection" by Colleen Carroll Campbell.
All Courses, Creed/Foundational Beliefs, Virtue
The Human Person and Belief
CourseIn this course, Fr. Bolding leads a discussion on Christian anthropology (who we are in light of God), connecting that to the cardinal virtues (common to all people) and the theological (God-given) virtues.
All Courses, Liturgy and Sacraments, Vatican II
The Liturgical Reform of Vatican II
CourseIn these sessions, Fr. Cardó examines the liturgical reform of Vatican II.
All Courses, Ecclesiology and The Church
The New Evangelization
CourseThis course will look at the progression of the New Evangelization from Vatican II through the pontificate of Benedict XVI, with attention given to the contribution of Pope John Paul II.
All Courses, Catechetics, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
The Origin and Impact of the Catechism
CourseAs part of our Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II, Dr. Petroc Willey discusses the creation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and its impact on the Church.
All Courses, Philosophy
The Problem of Evil
CourseThis course explores the objections to God's existence due to the problem of evil and seeks solutions through the work of C.S. Lewis, St. John Paul II, Karl Rahner S.J., Bruno Hidber, Walter Kasper, St. Thomas and St. Augustine.
All Courses, Sacred Scripture
The Real Jesus of the Gospels
CourseIn this course, we will examine the principle source we have of Jesus' life – the Gospels – and learning about Who He really is and How He can change our lives.
All Courses, Lent
The Rosary - A Parish Lenten Mission
CourseFrom the St. Thomas the Apostle Lenten Mission of 2023, Fr. Steve Kunkel, pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle, gives an overview of the history, practice and benefits of praying the rosary.
All Courses, Philosophy
The Roots of Postmodern Secularism and Atheism and the Response of Theology
CourseIn this course we will discuss the roots of secularism and the response of theology, highlighting Vatican II, Walter Kasper, Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
All Courses, Catholic Education
The School as an Agent of Evangelization
CourseThis session examines the purpose of the Catholic school in the Church within the Church's ministry to make disciples of all nations.
All Courses, Spirituality and Prayer
The Soul of the Apostolate
CourseThis course is based off the renowned book, “The Soul of the Apostolate” by Dom Chautard and focuses on the interior life as a foundation to for all apostolic work.
All Courses, Liturgy and Sacraments
The Spirit of the Liturgy by Joseph Ratzinger
CourseIn this course, Fr. Bolding discusses Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger's The Spirit of the Liturgy.
All Courses, Literature/Great Books
The Spiritual Theology of The Screwtape Letters
CourseThe course will be composed of a combination of lecture and discussion about the themes of the Screwtape Letters.
All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues, St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Channel
The Temperament God Gave You
CourseIn this lecture, Nikki gives an overview of the temperaments, as discussed in the book The Temperament God Gave You.
All Courses, Virtue
The Theological Virtue of Faith
CourseIn this seminar, Fr. Bolding leads a discussion on the nature of faith as a supernatural, God-given virtue that is necessary for a relationship with God.
All Courses, Ecclesiology and The Church, Vatican II
Understanding Faith in Light of Vatican II
CourseThe course will examine the essential characteristics of faith in light of Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Finally, it will describe how faith is strengthened and lived by lay people in the world today.
All Courses, Ecclesiology and The Church, Priesthood, Vatican II
Vatican II and the Crisis of Priestly Identity
CourseIn these sessions, Dr. Eric will examine the reform of the priesthood at Vatican II and the crisis in its implementation.
All Courses, Vatican II
Vatican II Constitution: Dei Verbum
CourseIn this course, Fr. Bolding examines the Second Vatican Council's document on Divine Revelation, Dei Verbum.
All Courses, Vatican II
Vatican II Constitution: Lumen Gentium
CourseIn this course, Fr. Muir examines the Second Vatican Council's document on the Church, Lumen Gentium.
All Courses, Vatican II
Vatican II Constitution: Gaudium et Spes
CourseIn this course, Fr. Parks examines the Second Vatican Council's document on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes.
All Courses, Vatican II
Vatican II Constitution: Sacrosanctum Concilium
CourseIn this course, Fr. Camou examines the Second Vatican Council's document on the sacred liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium.
All Courses, Vatican II
Vatican II Decrees and Declarations: Eastern Rite Churches, Christian Education, Bishops
CourseIn this course, Nicole Delaney examines the Council's document on Eastern Catholic Churches; Sr. Johanna Paruch, FSGM, PhD, examines Christian education and the pastoral office of Bishops.
All Courses, Vatican II
Vatican II Decrees and Declarations: Religious Freedom, Priestly Life and Formation
CourseIn this course, Rick Perry examines the Council's documents on Religious Freedom; Eric Westby examines the Council's document on Priestly Ministry and Life and Priestly Formation.
All Courses, Vatican II
Vatican II Decrees and Declarations: Religious Life, Laity, Ecumenism
CourseIn this course, Sr. Maria Rose Metzger, OP, examines the Council's document on Religious Life; Laura Gallant discusses the document on the Laity; Fr. David Loeffler looks at the decree ecumenism.
All Courses, Vatican II
Vatican II Decrees and Declarations: Social Communications, Non-Christians and Missionary Activity
CourseWill Wright examines the Council's documents on Non-Christians and Missionary Activity; Rae-Mi LeRoy examines the Council's document on Social Communications.