Course Description
At Confirmation we became soldiers for Christ, fully initiated members of the Church Militant. As such, we are obliged to readily and charitably defend our Mother, the Church, whenever she is attacked. Can you do this? This class will equip you to win any argument without cheating; defend your faith without being defensive (or offensive!); use your sword and shield (the Bible and faith) together effectively; stump your anti-Catholic brother-in-law this Thanksgiving with "Jesus Judo"; be unapologetic when you apologize (give reasons for your beliefs).
Hours of Instruction: 10

Rob Drapeau
Course Curriculum
Available in the Course Dashboard after Registration
Reflection Questions for Online Courses
Truth vs Opinion
Session 1 - Video
Session 2 - Video
Session 3 - Video
Session 4 - Video
Session 5 - Video
About this course
- $15.00
- 10 lessons
- 10 hours of video content