All Courses, Catholic Living/Contemporary Issues, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
Human Suffering - Insights from the thought and life of Pope St. John Paul II
CourseIn these sessions, Dr. Larry Fraher examines the life and writings of Pope St. John Paul II, especially his work Salvifici Dolores, On the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
John Paul II and the New Evangelization
CourseThe Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II Series, Scott examines the Pope St. John Paul II and his contribution of the New Evangelization.
All Courses, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
John Paul II and the Feminine Genius
CourseAs part of our Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II, Simone Rizkallah examines the feminine genius in his writings.
All Courses, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
John Paul II, Beauty and the Arts
CourseAs part of our Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II, Will Wright examines Pope St. John Paul II's contributions to beauty and the arts.
All Courses, Catholic Social Teaching, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
John Paul II's Contributions to Catholic Social Teaching
CourseAs part of our Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II, Mike examines key contributions from Pope St. John Paul II in the area of Catholic Social Teaching.
All Courses, Creed/Foundational Beliefs, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
John Paul II on the Dignity and Genius of Women
CourseThis course will examine how highly the Church views women, how indispensable is her role, and how the Church's teachings promote and defend her true dignity.
All Courses, Lives of the Saints, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
Missionary Spirituality According to Pope St. John Paul II
CourseIn this lecture, Bill shares the main characteristics and importance of missionary spirituality, according to Pope St. John Paul II.
All Courses, Philosophy, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
On the Relationship Between Faith and Reason
CourseAs part of our Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II, Dr. Ryan Hanning examines Pope St. John Paul II's contribution to the relationship between faith and reason, highlighting the Pope's document Fides et Ratio.
All Courses, Catholic Social Teaching, Lives of the Saints, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
Pope St. John Paul II: Human Dignity and Social Justice
CourseIn this lecture, Simone examines John Paul II's unique contributions to the Church's understanding of human dignity and social justice.
All Courses, Sacred Scripture, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
Southwest Biblical Conference V - 2020
CourseIn these talks, Dr. Bob Rice examines the expression so often used by Pope St. John Paul II: Be Not Afraid - Its Biblical Foundation and Importance for Today.
All Courses, Spirituality and Prayer, Lent, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
Spiritual Life Conference IV - 2021
CourseAs part of our Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II, the Spiritual Live Conference IV - 2021 examined Pope St. John Paul II and his devotion to Mary. Presenters for this are Bishop James S. Wall, Sr. Johanna Paruch, FSGM, Phd, and Professor Scott Sollom.
All Courses, Catholic Social Teaching, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
The Gospel of Life and Its Importance for Catholic Laity
CourseIn this course, Will Wright will examine key teachings in the Pope St. John Paul II's encyclical The Gospel of Life.
All Courses, Catechetics, The Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II
The Origin and Impact of the Catechism
CourseAs part of our Legacy of Pope St. John Paul II, Dr. Petroc Willey discusses the creation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and its impact on the Church.