Course Description

Purification and Perfection have been called the burden and the blessing of Lent; purification is the hard work, growth in holiness and perfection is the payoff. But both point to deeper truths about the human person, and what it means to live in imitation of Christ. Why is the work of purification so central to what it means to be a follower of Christ, and how do we go about it. And what does Chris's call to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect tell us about what it means to be human, about our identity and our destiny?

Hours of Instruction: 1

Steve Greene

Steve Greene is the Director of Kino Catechetical Institute He is also the co-host, with his wife, Becky, of “The Catholic Conversation” radio program, which airs weekly in Phoenix on AM 1310, Immaculate Heart Radio. He holds a Masters degree in Catholic Thought and Life from St. Meinrad School of Theology. Since moving to the Diocese of Phoenix in 1997, Steve has taught the Catholic faith in a variety of capacities: as a youth minister, high school theology teacher, professor of philosophy, theology and catechetics, and in stand-alone presentations on a wide variety of topics. Steve has also been featured as a guest on The Bishop’s Hour radio program, Catholics Matter television program, and in The Catholic Sun newspaper. He and his wife have four children and one little intercessor in heaven. They are members of St. Timothy Catholic Parish in Mesa, AZ.

Course Curriculum

Available in the Course Dashboard after Registration

    1. Reflection Questions for Online Courses

    2. Session Video

About this course

  • Free
  • 2 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content