ICT 103 - Christian Moral Principles - Spring 2025
In our Study the Catechism in a Year program, we read, pray and study the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Over an academic year, we study the text of the Catechism, deepen our understanding of the Lord’s plan for our lives, and enjoy times of fellowship with Catholics from throughout Arizona and abroad. This Spring, we cover the last two sections of the Catechism (morality and prayer) in our 'Christian Moral Principles' course (ICT 103). Missed the Fall course? No problem – you can start here!
Study the Catechism in a Year
Registration for this course for the 2024-2025 Academic Year is now closed. Please stay tuned for more offerings from the Institute of Catholic Theology!
The ‘Catechism in a Year’ podcast from Ascension Press is wildly popular, and we love it.
But it’s only a first step. When he was with us, Cardinal Ratzinger called the Catechism a ‘manual for happiness.’ The beauty of the Catechism is that it can be continually read, prayed and studied.
That’s what we do here at the ICT; we offer the next step by reading, praying and studying the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Over an academic year, we study the text of the Catechism, deepen our understanding of the Lord’s plan for our lives, and enjoy times of fellowship with Catholics from throughout Arizona and abroad.
Courses To Take
We cover the entire Catechism in two semester-length courses:
- In the Fall, we cover the first two sections of the Catechism (the Creed and sacraments) in our 'Foundations of Catholicism' course (ICT 101).
- In the Spring, we cover the last two sections of the Catechism (morality and prayer) in our 'Christian Moral Principles' course (ICT 103).
These courses allow the student to be guided in deeper study, have their questions answered, interact with students and professors, and deepen their love for Christ.
Participants can start in either the Fall or Spring course.
84 hours of continuing education are available for Catholic school teachers, deacon and catechists (42 hours for each semester).
Catechism in a Year Spring Semester

Institute Director Eric Westby, PhD
What our Past Students Say
Taking these classes was truly an adventure to learn more deeply my faith. I expanded my understanding and knowledge of my Lord Jesus Christ and applied the lessons I learned to my life. If you have the thirst and hungry to grow closer to God and how it can help you to spread the love and message of the true teaching of the Catholic Church, this is it. I am blessed and grateful that I made this sacrifice of love for my Lord to have taken this course. It has opened for me an opportunity to continue to seek and to learn more of my faith.
Earning Certificate or College Credit
The ICT offers the optional opportunity to work towards a Foundational Certificate in Catholic Theology and credits from Franciscan University of Steubenville.
Students doing homework towards the ICT's Foundational Certificate in Catholic Theology will pay an additional:
- $300
- $150 for Current High School Upperclassmen/College/University Students
Application and payment information will be available after logging into the course.
Students doing homework must register for the course no later than 10 days after the first class.
To receive college credit, an additional charge of $150 per student will be made directly to Franciscan University of Steubenville. Details will be made available at the start of the course. Be sure to check with your college regarding the acceptance of these credits.
For more information about earning our Foundational Certificate in Catholic Theology, click here.
For more information about earning undergraduate credit from Franciscan University, click here.