Course Description

This course elucidates the principles of morality that regulate Christian living. These principles are studied as they are found rooted in the New Testament documents and articulated throughout the history of the Christian community’s lived existence, with a thorough look at the contemporary understanding of Christian moral theology as it is articulated by the magisterium of the Catholic Church and by theologians in union with the magisterium. Students will examine these principles as they apply to some perennial moral issues.

When it Meets

Day:  Mondays

Times:  6pm to 9pm

Class Dates:  

- January 13, 27
- February 3, 10, 24
- March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
- April 7, 14, 21, 28

Zoom option available for distance students.  All sessions recorded for later playback.

How to Find Us

Location: St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, 2312 E. Campbell Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85016

The Institute Classroom is located to the west of the church, in the parish office building, south of the gift shop, towards Campbell Ave.

Phone: 602-954-9089

Pricing Options

Pick the plan that best fits your budget

Institute Director Eric Westby, PhD

Dr. Eric J. Westby is the Director of the Institute of Catholic Theology in Phoenix, Arizona. He is also the Director of Parish Catechesis at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, coordinating Christian initiation for adults, teens and children. He teaches theology for Franciscan University of Steubenville, specializing in the areas of foundational doctrine, evangelization and catechetics. Through his studies at the Maryvale Institute of Birmingham, England, he received his doctorate from Liverpool Hope University, with his thesis entitled "Equipping the Catechist of Catechists: A Critical Discussion of Seminary Formation in Light of Priestly Ministry in Catechesis." He holds a Masters of Arts degree in Theology and Christian Ministry from Franciscan University in Steubenville, from where he was the first student to complete the graduate specialization in catechetics. He holds a Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies from the Center for Ministry Development, and has been involved in full-time catechesis since 1988. He is a regular presenter at the summer St. John Bosco Catechetical Conference at the Franciscan University of Steubenville. He has published articles in the Catholic University of America's International 'Journal of Evangelization and Catechetics'; in Franciscan University's 'Catechetical Review'; and in Emmaus Academic's In Speaking the Truth in Love: The Catechism and the New Evangelization. He has developed OCIA and youth ministry curricula, available through the Institute of Catholic Theology. Most importantly, he is husband to Nikki, is the father of five beautiful girls, has one son-in-law, and has one grandchild.

Course Curriculum

Available in the Course Dashboard after Registration

    1. Welcome to ICT 103 - Christian Moral Principles - Spring 2025

    2. Zoom Link

    3. All Access Pass - Spring 2025

    4. Books to Purchase

    5. Syllabus with Assignments and Schedule (subject to minor changes)

    6. Student Handbook 2024-2025

    1. Step 1 - NEW Students - Complete the ICT Application

    2. Step 1 - RETURNING Students - Complete Registration Form

    3. Step 2 - Pay additional invoice for ICT 'for credit' students doing homework

    4. (Optional) Step 3 - Franciscan University of Steubenville - Transient Application

    5. Uploading Assignments to our Online 'Thinkwave' Gradebook

    1. Week 1 Topics

    2. Themes in the Catechism of the Catholic Church

    3. Background Concepts Sheet

    4. Our Life in Christ - The Basics of Catholic Morality

    5. ICT 103 - Week 1 Session 1

    6. ICT 103 - Week 1 Session 2

    7. ICT 103 - Week 1 Session 3

    1. Week 2 Topics

    2. 1691-1715 Man - The Image of God - Slides

    3. 1691-1715 Man - The Image of God - Homework - Word Version

    4. 1691-1715 Man - The Image of God - Homework - PDF Version

    5. 1716-1729 Our Vocation to Beatitude - Slides

    6. 1716-1729 Our Vocation to Beatitude - Homework - Word Version

    7. 1716-1729 Our Vocation to Beatitude - Homework - PDF Version

    8. Video - Week 2 - Session 1

    9. Video - Week 2 - Session 2

    10. Video - Week 2 - Session 3

    1. Week 3 February 3

    2. 1730-1748 Man's Freedom - Slides

    3. 1730-1748 Man's Freedom - Homework - PDF Version

    4. 1730-1748 Man's Freedom - Homework - Word Version

    5. 1749-1761 The Morality of Human Acts - Slides

    6. 1749-1761 The Morality of Human Acts - Homework - PDF Version

    7. 1749-1761 The Morality of Human Acts - Homework - Word Version

    8. ICT 103 Week 3 Session 1

    9. ICT 103 Week 3 Session 2

    10. ICT 103 Week 3 Session 3

    1. Week 4 Topics

About this course

  • $150.00
  • 39 lessons
  • 30 hours of video content