About the Called and Gifted Workshop

Run by the St. Catherine of Siena Institute and hosted by St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, the Called and Gifted is a day long workshop aimed at helping participants know and understand their spiritual gifts, known as charisms.

God has called and gifted you for a mission. When you were baptized, you were given the presence of the Holy Spirit and “charisms”, gifts of the Holy Spirit that enable you to be a channel of God’s love, truth, beauty, mercy, healing, and provision for others. The charisms that you have been given are important clues to your God-given mission in life and Holy Spirit empowered tools to enable you to live it! Join over 100,000 Catholics around the world who have begun to discern their charisms through the Called & Gifted workshop. 

The cost for the day includes the workshop and printed materials.

Date: Saturday, October 12, 2024
Time: 9:00am to 3:30pm.

Classroom Location

We meet on the parish campus on in the classroom of the Institute of Catholic Theology.  

Location: St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, 2312 E. Campbell Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85016.

The Institute Classroom is located to the west of the church, in the parish office building, south of the gift shop, towards Campbell Ave.  

Phone:  602-954-9089